Hamptons Dental




Smiles affect self-esteem and confidence and are an important part of our appearance. Did you know missing teeth affects more than just your oral health? They can also alter your facial features and make you look aged. In this blog post, we will explore the...

How to Make Brushing Fun: Tooth Care for Kids

How to Make Brushing Fun: Tooth Care for Kids

Getting children to brush their teeth without a fun incentive can be a challenge. Adding a fun activity or colorful supplies has two main benefits. It makes tooth care for kids easier for you, and it makes the brushing process more enjoyable for them.  Getting your...

What to Do if You Lose a Tooth

What to Do if You Lose a Tooth

Just because you lost your last baby teeth doesn’t mean you’re in the clear. Unfortunately, there are a lot of situations when an adult tooth comes out of your mouth. It could be from a bad cavity, an accident, or a fight. But when an adult tooth gets knocked out,...

What is Dry Mouth and How Can it Be Avoided?

What is Dry Mouth and How Can it Be Avoided?

Is your throat parched, no matter how much you drink? Maybe your tongue is like a desert, just waiting to catch fire. These could be symptoms of dry mouth.  This is a condition that many people joke about if they haven't had a glass of water in a while. However, this...

Manual vs. Electric Toothbrushes: Is There Really Much Difference?

Manual vs. Electric Toothbrushes: Is There Really Much Difference?

It seems that electric toothbrushes are all the craze these days. They’re on every commercial, every billboard, and every website. In most of these cases, 9/10 dentists recommend switching to an electric toothbrush. But, are electric toothbrushes too really worth it? ...

When Should You Start Taking Your Child to the Dentist?

When Should You Start Taking Your Child to the Dentist?

It's a common question among new parents about when to take a child to the dentist for the first time. When they first get their teeth, they seem too small to sit in a dentist's chair!  However, the dentist is a great place for children to learn good oral health...

Is Mouthwash Good for My Teeth?

Is Mouthwash Good for My Teeth?

Many people use mouthwash every day for the refreshing feel that it gives your mouth, that leaves you feeling ready for the day.   However, this wash has many more benefits than simply giving you fresh and minty breath, and there are countless health benefits related...

5 Dental Problems that Can Appear as You Age

5 Dental Problems that Can Appear as You Age

At a certain age, you become more susceptible to developing some health problems that may not have affected you before now.  A lifetime of wear and tear on your teeth can do a number on your enamel and your gums, so it's important to know what to look out for when it...

How to Pick the Right Family Dentist

How to Pick the Right Family Dentist

A family dentist is more than someone who helps when your teeth have problems; they should help prevent teeth problems from happening in the first place. The dentist should, therefore, give advice and help you achieve the healthiest smile possible. To effectively...

7 Foods and Drinks That Can Harm Your Teeth

7 Foods and Drinks That Can Harm Your Teeth

Even with brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day, sometimes it's not enough. For oral health, you also need to watch out on the foods and drinks you consume. Most foods and drinks can cause plaque, which can damage your teeth. Plaque is a sticky...

7 Common Dental Emergencies that Require Immediate Treatment

7 Common Dental Emergencies that Require Immediate Treatment

When you have a dental emergency caused by either an accident or chronic disease, you need urgent care to avoid further problems. But what qualifies as an emergency? Here are 7 common dental issues that require immediate treatment.   1. A Cracked Tooth Depending...

What Is a Six-Month Smile?

What Is a Six-Month Smile?

Are you worried that your teeth aren’t straight and it’s too late to get braces? Either you didn’t get them when you were young, or you stopped wearing your retainer and they shifted back. Whatever the reason, it isn’t the end of the world. You don’t have to be afraid...

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