Hamptons Dental


Does Invisalign Work?

Does Invisalign Work?

You want straight teeth but not the mouth metal. Understandable, you’re not alone. Invisalign is an alternative to traditional braces that more and more people are trying, and getting good results with.  Instead of using metal wiring and cement you’ll be fitted with...

Tips to getting the best dental hygiene

Tips to getting the best dental hygiene

Tips for Maintaining the Best Dental Hygiene from a Calgary Dentist At Hamptons Dental in NW Calgary, we know that having to live with toothache and pain can be quite the ordeal. This is the very reason why we have established ourselves to be one of the premier...

Keeping Your Child’s Teeth Clean During The Holidays

Keeping Your Child’s Teeth Clean During The Holidays

Halloween and Christmas are coming up and your child will definitely fill their storage with many candy treats. But the holiday season is not an excuse to skip monitoring your child's teeth. They need to be responsible in brushing their teeth especially when they eat...

Calgary Tooth Restoration For Summer Smiles

Calgary Tooth Restoration For Summer Smiles

3 Restorative Dentistry Options that Will Give You Beautiful Summer Smiles Summer is rapidly approaching, bringing with it not only the warm weather but traveling tourist taking thousands of photos on their family vacations. This summer make sure your family gives the...

Keep Your Smile Intact – Schedule a Routine Dental Checkup Today

Proper dental hygiene goes well beyond brushing your teeth twice a day and avoiding soft drinks. Regular visits with a dentist help to ensure that cavities are treated before they become a problem and any instances of gum disease are halted before tooth loss occurs....

Is Fluoride Bad for You?

Is Fluoride Bad for You?

Calgary discontinued the use of fluoride in its drinking water in 2011 and as a result has seen an increase in tooth decay.  Flouride is one of the most controversial topics recently, in addition to quick teeth whitening. What is fluoride? Fluoride is a natural...

Flossing is STILL beneficial

Flossing is STILL beneficial

Several articles were published recently telling people that they no longer needed to floss.  Many dentists, including us, disagree with this. Some of the recent commotion points to the U.S. Government’s release of a revised Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which has...

Is Sedation Dentistry right for me?

Whether you’re dreading receiving a filling or root canal, or simply nervous about your next visit, sedation dentistry may help you have an anxiety-free experience.  Sometimes the help of a dental assistant can help, but other times we must take other measures....

What Causes Bad Breath?

What Causes Bad Breath?

Bad breath? We’ve all been there. Scientifically, it’s actually known as halitosis. But what causes it, and how can it be treated? Studies show that 80% of bad breath arises from an oral source, and it’s likely that your bad breath does, as well. Still, oral sources...

New Patients Welcome

Take Care Of Your Oral Health & Book Your Dental Hygiene Appointment Today