Cavities are the bane of childhood existence. Existence in general if we are being realistic. But cavities don’t have to be unavoidable. There are easy ways to never have a cavity. The first step is prevention and caution. Cavities work in tricky ways, so it’s best to know how they function first in order to avoid them.

What Is a Cavity?

A cavity is an area of the tooth that is permanently damaged. These are the black spots that appear on the hard surface of the tooth. These develop into openings and decay. Cavities are the world’s most common health problem. They are common for people of all ages, from children who consume sugary snacks to adults who can’t kick their sweet tooth.

The symptoms of cavities include severe toothaches, spontaneous pain, and tooth sensitivity. Unfortunately, cavities can seem to appear out of the blue. This is why it is important to visit the dentist.

Our team at Hamptons Dental is certified and specialise in fixing cavities and helping patients take preventative measures against cavities. We know what a cavity is and how to identify it.

What Causes a Cavity?

Cavities have many causes. The main cause is tooth decay. This process can take years and has many sources. Through the years, if teeth are not taken care of, plaque forms. This plaque is clear sticky film that coats the teeth. The more sugar eaten, the more quickly plaque forms. The plaque allows bacteria to feed, and when it hardens, it becomes a shield for bacteria.

The bacteria, with a safe place to eat and work, removes the minerals from the hard, outer enamel of the teeth. This is when the tiny openings and holes in the enamel form. Then, once the holes are created, bacteria can get inside the teeth. They attack the softer, inner layer called dentin.

Dentin talks directly with the nerves of the teeth, which is the source of sensitivity from a cavity. The dentin is an easy opponent for the bacteria, and it quickly moves on to the inner most layer of the tooth, which is pulpy and contains all the nerves and blood vessels. This causes a lot of pain.

Luckily, there are easy ways to avoid cavities.

How to Prevent Cavities

The most important way to avoid cavities is to have regular check-ups at the dentist. These should be once a year. It’s crucial to get yearly check-ups when young or old, because at these stages of life, the teeth and gums are more vulnerable.

However, this doesn’t mean that the teeth should be ignored until the yearly dental appointment. Regular care is just as important as a dentist visit. Daily brushing should occur in the morning and in the evening. When getting up and before going to bed. If possible, brushing after every meal is the best.

Flossing is also a booster in preventing cavities. The floss is able to reach parts of the teeth that brushing is not able to. Either traditional floss or water picking are great ways to keep teeth clean.

Finally, being careful about diet is a way to reduce the risk of cavities. There are foods to avoid and drinks that should be consumed in moderation. Specifically, sugary and sticky foods.

Fight Back against Cavities

Cavities do not have to cause trouble. They are easily preventable, and even if they plague someone, services are available to take care of the issue. At Hamptons Dental we will go over steps to prevent cavities with our patients. With our procedures, our team of dental experts can take care of a cavity with no pain through non-invasive treatments.

We do not want any of our clients to deal with the stress and pain of a toothache that is caused by a cavity. When you need to fight back against cavities, give us a call.