Whether you’re dreading receiving a filling or root canal, or simply nervous about your next visit, sedation dentistry may help you have an anxiety-free experience. Sometimes the help of a dental assistant can help, but other times we must take other measures.
Sedation dentistry has a wide gamut of use cases, although its application is specific to each individual and their particular level of anxiety. Your dentist will specially advise what is best for your individual needs. Although teeth whitening in NW Calgary may not require sedations, a lot of other services do.
Let’s take a look together at how sedation dentistry works, if you’re eligible for such procedures, and which dentists are authorized to deliver such care.
What is Sedation Dentistry?
Occasionally referred to as “sleep dentistry,” sedation dentistry often doesn’t actually entail unconsciousness during the procedure. In most cases, patients are awake in the dentist’s chair, although they are lulled by mild to moderate sedation that eases their fears.
Here’s a quick list of the sedation levels available to you as a sedation dentistry candidate:
1. Minimal sedation: You’re awake, but have been relaxed by a low-level of sedation.
2. Moderate sedation: Previously referred to as “conscious sedation,” this is a slightly higher level of sedation that may cause temporary slurring of words. You also may not remember all aspects of the dental procedure.
3. Deep sedation: Deep sedation welcomes you to the point of near unconsciousness, without quite spilling over the edge. Don’t expect to remember any details of your procedure.
Aside from sedation levels, there are sedation types. Here’s a brief overview:
1. Oral sedation: Oral sedation is achieved through pills which are taken as prescribed by your dentist. It is the most common sedation dentistry type. Depending on the dosage, oral sedation can result in mild to moderate sedation, which results in pleasant drowsiness.
2. Inhaled minimal sedation: This is the laughing gas alternative. With this form of sedation dentistry, you’ll inhale nitrous oxide and oxygen in order to relax. It’s possible to drive yourself home following this form of sedation dentistry.
3. IV Sedation: You receive the sedative drug through a vein, so it goes to work more quickly. This method allows the dentist to continually adjust the level of sedation.
Always remember that your dentist will advise what is best for you based on your individual needs and concerns.