Hamptons Dental

Dental Bridges in Calgary

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a restorative solution that replaces one or more missing teeth by creating a bridge across the gap. The bridge portion consists of an artificial tooth, while the anchor pieces are dental crowns that sit over intact teeth adjacent to the gap. A dental bridge is a quick solution to restore function and appearance to your smile.

Types of Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are versatile restorations in that they can bridge several different types of gaps. A traditional bridge fills in the space of one missing tooth by anchoring to the natural teeth or implants on either side. A cantilever bridge only requires one adjacent tooth as an anchor, while a Maryland bridge uses a metal or porcelain framework bonded to the back of adjacent teeth.

Considerations for Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are a quicker solution than dental implants, and they prevent the nearby teeth from drifting out of position, but they have some limitations to consider. The bridge requires the alteration of adjacent teeth to secure the anchors. A dental bridge may also need replacement or repair over time and this treatment does not prevent bone loss in the area of the missing tooth. If you’re considering a dental bridge, ask our dental team about your options.

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