Hamptons Dental

Dentures in Calgary


Dentures are removable appliances that replace missing teeth and surrounding tissues so you can talk, eat, and bite as you normally would. They can be full (complete) or partial dentures, depending on the number of teeth you have missing. Each set of dentures is custom-made to fit your mouth for the best comfort and most natural look.

The Benefits of Dentures

Losing teeth is a hard adjustment, especially when it’s multiple teeth or even a whole set. Custom-fitted dentures make it possible to restore functionality and a natural appearance. Improvements to denture design make them more comfortable and natural-looking than ever before.

Considerations for Dentures

When you first receive your dentures, allow yourself some time to get used to wearing them. At first, it may feel strange to speak and chew, but you will get accustomed to them. Over time, your dentures may need adjusting to ensure a proper fit as your mouth changes with age. Having dentures still requires regular cleaning and routine dental check-ups to ensure optimal oral health.

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